Saturday, March 19, 2011

GOP is targetting immigrant families NEXT! We need your help to keep fighting for Civil and Labor Rights!

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Immigrant Workers Union, Madison WI

2nd I.W.U. Fundraising Banquet
On Thursday, March 24 At six in the evening
The Brink Launge 701 E Washington Ave, Madison, WI 53703
Featuring Peruvian Buffet by renown Chef Maritza Paz
Live Music including: SON MUDANZA and African Singer Edi Gbordzi!
  Silent Auction and raffle PRIZES!!!

Leone Jose Bicchieri has almost 20 years experience organizing Latino and other immigrant workers. He is the executive director of the Chicago Workers Collaborative (CWC), a worker center which organizes low-wage workers to understand and fight for their rights.He is also a Senior Fellow at the Chicago-based Center for New Community.Leone has played organizing and leadership roles with Immigrant Workers Freedom Ride, Interfaith Worker Justice, Oregon's Farmworker Union, known by its Spanish acronym of PCUN, and was an organizer for the Justice for Janitors Campaign with SEIU Local 1 and Witness for Peace in a rural war zone in Nicaragua.

Immigrant Workers United with Public Employees!

Immigrants are next in the list...

...Arizona-style Bill

Rep. Pridemore has begun circulating his draft of a Bill inspired in the infamous Arizona SB1070! This bill will NOT be effective in addressing any current problems that our state or country suffer because of the lack of a working, fair and current immigration reform. The draft includes several points that the AZ SB1070 included. Learn about this bill and join us to fight social justice in the front lines! Read the bill with our explanation 

The immigrnat Workers Union has been informed by the office of Rep. Jocasta Zamarripa that the budget targets immigrant families aswell:

...End of In-State Tuition for Immigrant Youth
After years of fighting for equal acccess to high education, in 2009 Wisconsin passed a law where undocumented student could have access to in-state tuition. A small step forward in the long road for equal rights. However,Scott Walker's budget will force hundred of our brightest student to pay up to 4 times the money they would pay as a state resident, this is unfair as this students and their families are taxpayers and should have equal rights than any other person who lives in this state. "We have been told over and over that we have to study hard and go to college, but how?" says one member of Immigrnat Workrs Union Youth and organizer of the walk out "they ask us to pay $20.000 as "foreign" student and we do not have access to federal student aid, it is impossible!"

On March 3rd, Immigrant Students and Allies walk out from several Madison's High School to protest a new atack to our community and specially the future of our youth.Check our video our FaceBook Group




Endorsed by Immigrant Workers Union.

Saturday, March 19th

2pm from the library Mall: MEChA and others will march to the Capitol State Street Entrance to protest the Governor's attack on public workers and immigrants. This an important effort to highlight that the current wave of attacks affect people of all colors and specially to those poor, brown and already targeted by the right wing movement.

Sunday, March 20th
Next Steps Labor/Community Organizing!!!!

From 1pm to 5pm @  Labor Temple (1602 S. Park Street, room 201)
Meeting of a broad network of community and labor organizations to solidify a network around a common agenda ( Education, Worker/Immigrant/Civil Rights, Economic & Environmental Justice) so we can combine our collective power not only to fight against current attacks but also make our shared agenda something to fight for.
·     Contact Info : Pilar Schiavo, National Nurses United 510-385-4213

From 5pm @ Orpheum Theater (Stage Door, 216 State St., Downtown Madison)
This meeting will be led by trained organizers and it will cover ways to organize within your workplace and/or union for greater power among rank and file workers, as well as a discussion of possible job actions / industrial actions against the bill.
Contact info: Industrial Workers of the World

Regroup, Rethink, Reclaim!

IWU will host the Mexicam Consulate

UTI auspiciara al Consulado Mexicano
Centro Guadalupe: 1862 Beld Street

Jueves, 31 de Marzo. 12pm a 7pm
Viernes, 1 de Abril. 12pm a 7pm
 Sabado, 2 de Abril. 9am a 2pm
Domingo, 3 de Abril. 9am a 2pm

Haz Click Aqui Para Mas Informacion

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Union de Trabajadores Inmigrantes
29 E. Wilson St #202
Madison, Wisconsin 53703

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